How are NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) related to Virtual Tours?

How are virtual tours connected to this nft phenomenon? They may sound like they're totally in totally different worlds. Disclaimer; I'm in the virtual tour business and no, I'm not trying to ride any coattails here. If you have heard of the book snow crash or read the book ready player one.....

(I'm blanking on altered carbon)

Both books and many other books and movies and shows talked about

this parallel world. This digital world. To a large extent, it already exists. My social security number there's all this data out there that's associated with my digital twin. if you look through the lens of my social security number or if you look through the lens of an email account or your Facebook account. Pockets and groupings of information are out there but and they're coming together to provide a more holistic picture of the digital version of me. All you need are my medical records to start to come into play; you already have all the photographic stuff that comes through all the social media. There's a whole digital version of me that's out there. It doesn't look and move as I do, yet. But it's coming.

All those pieces are starting to take shape. These books talk about this future where there is interactive data you can see and you can feel. Usually, the way they access it is in some sort of three-dimensional format. They go into virtual reality or augmented reality or whatever. They can now see this digital world some people refer to it as the metaverse. Google earth, it's a great digital representation.

The concept of nft is interesting to me there's a unique set number of these digital assets just like the real world. In the real world, I have my trusty hat that I go camping with all the time and it has its history and its timeline and I can't replicate that. The nft starts to approach that. It takes our digital assets which we're so used to copy-pasting a million times and it turns it into a singular non-repeatable, something you can't copy thing.

So this starts to bring the digital version of the world that we're used to and kind of bring it closer to a more tangible real-world version and that starts to feel very metaverse. Okay, so how do virtual tours fit in there they seem totally unrelated except for the fact that in the future we'll need to navigate that world. It is way more intuitive to navigate a natural environment. A virtual tour that's composed of three-dimensional data, gives you the framework where you can now populate and house these digital assets within for instance let's say you wanted to hang your digital artwork or in a digital museum well so we have someone else to go create that museum and yeah you could create a totally fantastical made-up museum but then you could also make the moca, have a virtual exhibit in the real in the virtual, digital moca with your virtual nft artwork. What if you have a virtual nightclub play this song that is only going to be performed once? There is some nft token that goes with that. You could do that in some futuristic nightclub (there's a scene in ready player one) or you could go to a real place you can go to a real place here in la or Tokyo or wherever and you can have your digital concert in a mirror version of our real world.

We're not there yet. The virtual tours I create are standalone, one link to get to them and they exist in that one little spot. To have a real mirror world they need to be accessible from one to another and start to bleed into one another. The starting point is to have the data. I'm not saying I'm creating the metaverse. I'm not, I'm just excited about what I'm seeing that's happening and in a little tiny way the work that I do is bringing us closer to that future reality. Anyhow, just my comments on how nfts digital twins, this mirror world, and virtual tours are all related.